  • If the Myers-Briggs personalities were a beverage, what would each be?
  • If each of the 16 MBTI personality types had individual signs posted on the entrance door of their rooms, what would each sign say?
  • In a perfect village where each MBTI type can reach their maximum fulfillment and happiness while contributing to the village, what appropriate roles should they all play?
  • What is each MBTI type's personal kryptonite?
  • What tortures the mind of each MBTI?
  • What section of Barnes and Noble would you find each MBTI?
  • What are some stereotypes you ran into about the MBTI types?
  • If the 16 personality types were forced into being chess pieces on a chessboard, which would make up the 16 different pieces per side (8 pawns, 2 royals, knights, bishops, rooks)?
  • Who among the world leaders would best represent each MBTI type?
  • What type of intelligence (logical, linguistic, spatial etc.) does each MBTI type excel at?
  • Bonus question: Have your neighbors ever called the cops on you for something ridiculous?
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    MBTI Questions and Answers

    by Frank Branson

    If the Myers-Briggs personalities were a beverage, what would each be?

  • ESFJ - Mildly-spiked punch
  • ESTJ - Brandy
  • ISFJ - Milk
  • ISTJ - Red wine
  • ESFP - Champagne or a froufrou drink
  • ESTP - Whiskey
  • ISFP - Hot chocolate, spiked
  • ISTP - Vodka
  • ENFJ - A coffee that's mostly milk with lots of sugar
  • ENFP - Vitamin water
  • ENTJ - Scotch
  • ENTP - Red Bull
  • INFJ - Kombucha tea
  • INFP - Soup broth or green tea
  • INTJ - Lapsang Souchong tea
  • INTP - Strong, high quality coffee, black

    If each of the 16 MBTI personality types had individual signs posted on the entrance door of their rooms, what would each sign say?

  • ESFJ - Come in! Free cookies!
  • ESTJ - Please keep the hallway clean.
  • ISFJ - Have you had your flu shot yet?
  • ESFP - Party starts tonight at 7:00!
  • ESTP - If the door's open come on in! Let's party!
  • ISFP - Starting a band. Looking for talent.
  • ISTP - Text me.
  • ENFJ - Have a great day!
  • ENFP - Have an awesome day! (Andie, call me!)
  • ENTJ - Out. Make an appointment with my assistant: 555-1234.
  • ENTP - Didja hear about the superstitious guy? Left the sidewalk to avoid walking under a ladder; got hit by a car. Think about it.
  • INFJ - Book club every Tuesday at 7:00. Join us!
  • INFP - Just stepped out for a cup of tea. Back soon.
  • INTJ - Leave a note on the whiteboard.
  • ISTJ - Please leave a note on the whiteboard.
  • INTP - Minecraft players wanted.

    In a perfect village where each MBTI type can reach their maximum fulfillment and happiness while contributing to the village, what appropriate roles should they all play?

    The EJ Managers

  • ENFJ - spiritual leader
  • ENTJ - practical leader
  • ESFJ - festival organizer
  • ESTJ - departmental manager/shop owner

    The EP People People

  • ENFP - ambassador/traveling merchant/poet
  • ENTP - gadfly whose questioning of leadership reveals what they've missed/comedian
  • ESFP - improvisational entertainer - dance, acting
  • ESTP - police/fire/security

    The IS Implementors

  • ISFJ - nurse
  • ISFP - compositional entertainer - music, plays
  • ISTJ - lawyer/farmer/worker who gets the job done
  • ISTP - mechanical engineer

    The IN Explainers

  • INFJ - teacher/counselor
  • INFP - doctor/herbalist
  • INTJ - prime minister/chief planner
  • INTP - judge/lawmaker

    This has just been for fun. Don't take too seriously.

    What is each MBTI type's personal kryptonite?

    If these don't make sense at first, meditate on them a bit. (alphabetical)

  • ENFJ Their own physical health
  • ENFP Long projects
  • ENTJ Mortality
  • ENTP Others' feelings
  • ESFJ Technology
  • ESFP Temptation
  • ESTJ Freedom
  • ESTP Their own lack of regrets
  • INFJ Mean people
  • INFP Going outside
  • INTJ Other people ("Hell is other people.")
  • INTP Operating machinery
  • ISFJ Envy
  • ISFP Originality
  • ISTJ Miscommunications and misunderstandings
  • ISTP Boredom

    What tortures the mind of each MBTI?

  • ESTJ: that someone, somewhere, is having fun
  • ESFJ: that people spend so little time phoning their mothers
  • ISTJ: that so many people are fake, pretentious, or both
  • ISFJ: that so many people don�'t understand what's important are moms, apple pies, brushing your teeth religiously, and so on
  • ENFJ: that people are so divided and not getting along
  • ENTP: that they cannot operate at peak level 100% of the time
  • ENFP: that so many people won't open up more
  • INFP: that people try to take so much advantage
  • INTP: that mundane life is so difficult to negotiate
  • ENTJ: that there is so little progress, that the world is still so backward
  • INFJ: that people are being mistreated (the SJW program)
  • INTJ: that there are so many people who “don’t get it”

    The SPs. living mostly in the moment, tend not to torture themselves too much.

    What section of Barnes and Noble would you find each MBTI?

  • ESFJ - cookery and home decor, romance
  • ENFJ - psychology and inspirational
  • ISFJ - self-improvement, romance
  • ESTJ - religion, history or politics
  • ISTJ - stock market and business
  • ENFP - everywhere, but especially poetry
  • ISTP - repairs or James Bond novels
  • ENTJ - business
  • ISFP - music
  • ESFP - art
  • ENTP - biography (everywhere)
  • INTP - math, science, history and philosophy
  • INFJ - New Age, psychology, fantasy, plays
  • INFP - novels
  • INTJ - history and public policy (everywhere)
  • ESTP - wherever the most attractive members of the appropriate sex are

    What are some stereotypes you ran into about the MBTI types?

    Here's the most common stereotype for each type:

  • ENFJ - hypnotic Svengalis
  • ENFP - giddy clowns
  • ENTJ - work-obsessed bosses
  • ENTP - contrarian comedians
  • ESFJ - overbearing smotherers
  • ESFP - party animals
  • ESTJ - ebullient, moralist drill sergeants
  • ESTP - impulsive thrillseekers
  • INFJ - touchy-feely depressed marshmallows
  • INFP - uber-sensitives who escape in their imaginations
  • INTJ - evil supervillains
  • INTP - bumbling absent-minded professors (Professor Calculus)
  • ISFJ - emotional, nurses or cooks
  • ISFP - Mr. or Ms . Cool
  • ISTJ - dull clods
  • ISTP - auto mechanics, or James Bond

    Of course all of these are wrong and no one should use them.

    If the 16 personality types were forced into being chess pieces on a chessboard, which would make up the 16 different pieces per side (8 pawns, 2 royals, knights, bishops, rooks)?

  • King - ENTJ. I'm going to think of the King as in charge of all the rest, which ENTJ should be best at.
  • Queen - INTJ. I'm thinking of the old Persian and Indian representation* of this piece, which is not a Queen, but a Prime Minister. An INTJ would make a perfect strategic advisor to the King. An example from history would be Zhuge Liang.
  • Knights - ENFJ and INFJ. These weirdly moving pieces have great power just because of the way they are the only ones that can jump over other pieces, and because they don't move in a straight line, meaning you might miss their threat. This can correspond to the way that ENFJ and INFJ can conquer using "soft power�".
  • Rooks - ESTP and ESTJ. These pieces move straight along the rank and file, just like the way you always know where you stand with these two.
  • Bishops - INTP and ENTP. These two diagonal pieces are powerful and insidious, much as this pair have hidden depths that will get you when you're least prepared for it.
  • Pawns - all the rest are foot soldiers, but don't forget that with significant development that have the potential to become Prime Minister. ESFJ, ISFJ, ISTJ, ESFP, ISFP, ISTP, INFP, ENFP.

    Who among the world leaders would best represent each MBTI type?

  • ENFJ: Adolf Hitler, Mao, Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • ENFP: Bill Clinton (reportedly tested as such)
  • ENTJ: Dwight Eisenhower, Kamala Harris
  • ENTP: Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Otto von Bismarck, Pete Buttigieg
  • ESFJ: William McKinley, Donald J. Trump, Joe Biden
  • ESFP: Warren G. Harding, Mikhail Gorbachev
  • ESTJ: George Washington, Woodrow Wilson
  • ESTP: Andrew Jackson, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt (and Theodore Roosevelt), Lyndon B. Johnson, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush
  • INFJ: Mohandas Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt
  • INFP: Joan of Arc, Dalai Lhama
  • INTJ: John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Ulysses S. Grant, Herbert Hoover, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama
  • INTP: James Madison, Abraham Lincoln, Vladimir Putin
  • ISFJ: Queen Elizabeth II, George H.W. Bush
  • ISFP: John Kennedy, Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders
  • ISTJ: Grover Cleveland, Josef Stalin, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter
  • ISTP: Calvin Coolidge, Harry S. Truman

    Based on my studies of history and personality types.

    What type of intelligence (logical, linguistic, spatial etc.) does each MBTI type excel at?

    Howard Gardner defined ten types of intelligence*. These do not naturally map to MBTI types. We can only guess at tendencies. A person of a type could certainly be intelligent in any of these areas. Here are some guesses.

  • musical-rhythmic: ISFP, ESFP (relates to Fi-Se)
  • visual-spatial: ESTP, ISTP, ENTJ, INTJ (Se-Ni)
  • verbal-linguistic: INFP, ENFP, INFJ, ENTP, INTJ (Fi-Ne or Ni-Fe)
  • logical-mathematical: ENTJ, INTP, INTJ, ENTP, ESTJ, ISTJ, ESTP, ISTP (T)
  • bodily-kinesthetic: ESFP, ESTP, ESTJ, ISTJ (Se)
  • interpersonal: ENFJ, ENFP, INFJ (Fe or Fi-Ne)
  • intrapersonal: INFP, ISFP, ENFP (Fi)
  • naturalistic: ESFP, ISFP (Fi-Se)
  • existential: ESFJ, ISFJ, ENFJ, INFJ (Si-Fe or Ni-Fe)
  • moral: ESTJ, ISTJ, INFP, ISFP, ENFP (Te-Si)

    *Theory of multiple intelligences - Wikipedia

    Bonus question: Have your neighbors ever called the cops on you for something ridiculous?

    Once my neighbor left her car lights on.

    I knocked on her door to let her know she was wearing down her battery. She refused to open the door and called the police instead.

    The cops knocked on my door. First thing they said was "Hey, were you trying to tell her the car lights are on?"

    Created: Mon Jul 31 16:30:34 MDT 2023
    Please send any comments to Rick Heli