On the 15th of their second month, the ancient Romans celebrated
Lupercalia, a festival to
Lupercus. Festivities started at the cave of Lupercal on the Palatine Hill,
where by legend the wolf had reared the twins Romulus and Remus.
Cakes made of corn by the Vestal Virgins were offered.
Goats and one dog were sacrificed for the occasion.
Two teams of youths, each having a captain, dressed in goat
skins and blood. The blood was wiped with wool dipped in milk.
The youths would have a magnificent meal, then, laughing, a footrace
around the base of the Palatine whipping onlookers with goatskin strips called februa,
"that which purifies". A woman hoping to produce a male heir might try
get struck by the leather strap of the Lupercus (wolf).